International Accordion Days in Prague


Categories according to date of birth
0   27. 10. 2016 and younger
I.   27. 10. 2014 – 26. 10. 2016
II.  27. 10. 2012 – 26. 10. 2014
III. 27. 10. 2010 – 26. 10. 2012
IV. 27. 10. 2008 – 26. 10. 2010
V.  27. 10. 2006 – 26. 10. 2008
VI. 27. 10. 2004 – 26. 10. 2006

Solo categories

Category 0:

Category for children up to 7 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration to 4 minutes. One round.

Category I: 

For performers on piano accordion or bayan, up to 9 years (including) of age on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 2 – 4 minutes. One round.

Category II: 

Performers up to 11 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 3 – 5 minutes. One round.

Category III: 

Performers up to 13 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 4 – 6 minutes. One round.

Category IV: 

Performers up to 15 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 6 – 8 minutes. One round.

Category V: 

Performers up to 17 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 8 – 12 minutes. One round.

Category VI:
Performers up to 19 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice including one composition from the Baroque period,
duration 10 – 15 minutes. One round.

Category VII:
Performers without age limit.

First round:
one harpsichord sonata by Domenico Scarlatti
original accordion composition (one piece or one movement from a cyclical piece)
Total duration up to 10 min.

Second round:
Programme of free choice including at least one original accordion composition
duration 15 – 20 minutes

*To the second round advances no more than half of the first round participants.

Chamber ensembles

2 – 11 musicians without conductor. These ensembles may also include other instruments, but accordions have to predominate (not for the category VIII and IX).

Category VIII:
Attention change of age limit!
2 – 3 performers, average age of all players should not be more than 15 years (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 8 – 12 minutes. One round.

Category IX:
2 – 3 performers without age limit.
Programme of free choice, duration 10 – 15 minutes. One round.

Category X:
4 -11 performers, average age of all players should not be more than 19 years (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
Programme of free choice, duration 8 – 12 minutes. One round.

Category XI:
4 – 11 performers  without age limit.
Programme of free choice, duration 10 – 15 minutes. One round.

Accordion orchestras

These ensembles may also include other instruments, but accordions have to predominate.

Category XII:
Performers up to 19 years of age (including) on the beginning day of the competition.
There can only be one older player in each part of the ensemble.
Programme of free choice
8 – 12 minutes. One round.

Category XIII:
Performers without age limit.
Programme of free choice of classical and original music
10 – 15 minutes. One round.

Category XIV:
Performers without age limit.
Programme of free choice of light music
10 – 15 minutes. One round.